Transcription Jobs

Finding a Transcription Job
Frequently Asked Questions.

What do you pay a Transcriptionist?

Our most common question is, “How much can I earn?” The average per-minute rate for transcribing is £0.91 per minute of recording, with the highest rate at £1.69 per minute and the lowest at £0.65 per minute (actual figures from May 2024). Rates vary based on how much the client is charged, which affects the rates for contractors. Fast turnaround and more time-consuming projects receive higher rates, while slower turnaround and simpler projects attract lower rates. Contractors transcribe a range of rates and projects, so focus on the average rate as the best indication. We are often recognised for paying some of the highest rates in the UK.

Our goal is not to take advantage of anyone or short-change transcriptionists. We aim to form a long-term business relationship. We pay well and fairly because our contractors are experienced and skilled. Our typists earn above the average hourly rate for transcriptionists in the UK. We are committed to fair compensation.

Is being a transcriptionist for me? Am I a good fit?

If you’d love to work from home with flexible hours and prefer to call the shots on where and when you work, a transcription job on the Transcript Divas team could be for you. Our team consists of experienced transcriptionists who are reliable and detail-oriented. They understand that exceeding client expectations secures ongoing business for everyone. They are business orientated.

How do I get paid as a Transcriptionist?

Contractors email us an invoice detailing completed projects. We compare your invoice to our records and aim to pay within 14 days (you need to have a UK-based bank account). We treat our contractors as business owners, not employees, so the process may be more formal than you are used to.

How do I get a Transcription Job?

Our acceptance standards for applicants are high to ensure that we deliver our 200% Guarantee to clients (see guarantee). We are looking for transcriptionists whose standards are high. If this sounds like you, we look forward to receiving an application form from you (the link to the form is below). Do note – this is a contracting opportunity where you will be offered an opportunity to work on a range of projects. We do not offer jobs with a boss in charge of payroll. We offer projects to work on. We treat transcription contractors as business people from whom we buy typing services. You are offering a service and we buy it from you. We do not treat transcriptionists as employees, part-time employees, zero contract no attachment contractors, or something in between. You are a business owner – and we are your client, not your boss. We come to you with transcription projects. You can accept or decline to do those projects – negotiate timelines and rates. We realise that not every transcription service treats its contractors like business owners. For some of our contractors, it is tough to shift from employee mode to business owner mode. Do take your time with this, especially if you are coming from an employee situation. Being a business owner is a lot more freedom – but quite different responsibilities. For example, if we are unhappy with the services you provide, we will stop buying services from you. We are not going to retrain you, so your transcript quality goes up or enter into long discussions about your motivation and job enjoyment, so you reply to emails we send you. We expect you to be an expert professional who understands that you are a business owner with clients, not an employee with a boss. For some people reading this, this is just a normal business relationship being formed; for others, it will seem new. If these ideas do seem ‘new’, please slow down and ask yourself if this is a good fit before filling in an application form.

When will I know if my transcription application has been successful?

We can only contact applicants we are considering for the next stage of the process. Please do not call the office line or use live chat; the Project Manager will just direct you back to this page. HR recruitment is simply not their role.
If approved by Human Resources, we will contact you for a phone interview. Good luck!